Broadcom since 1998
Broadcom is a global supplier of a range of analog and digital semiconductor connectivity solutions.
Nvidia since 1999
Nvidia is a computing platform company operating at the intersection of graphics, HPC, and articial intelligence.
Emaar since 2000
Emaar is a publicly listed Emirati multinational real estate development company located in the UAE.
Qualcomm since 2003
Qualcomm designs, manufactures, and markets digital wireless telecommunications products and services.
Biogen since 2005
Biogen is a biotech company that develops innovative therapies for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.
Amgen since 2010
Amgen is a biotech company that develops and manufactures human therapeutics for various illnesses and diseases.
Natera since 2015
Natera specializes in cell-free DNA testing to provide targeted interventions to oncology, women's health, and organ health.
Digital Realty since 2015
Digital Realty is a data center platform, delivering customized data analysis solutions to businesses.
Equinix since 2016
Equinix is an internet company that provides data center services for businesses and organizations.
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